Search phrase used for WOS

(a) General words used in aperiodic crystallography but also in other sciences
TS=(incommensura* OR commensura* OR modulate* OR modulation* OR aperiodic* OR satellit*
    OR aperiod*)

(b) Words used in crystallography and related sciences
TS=(cryst* OR struct* OR phase* OR magnet* OR x-ray* OR xray* OR neutron* OR electron* OR 
    powder* OR microscop* OR mineral* OR transition OR solid OR molecul* OR 
    lattice* OR cell OR morpholog* OR layer* OR bond* OR spin OR antiferromag* OR ferromag* OR
    metal* OR diffract* ) 

#1 = (a) AND (b)

#2 = (a) SAME (b)

#3 Very promising words
TS=(intergrowth* OR q-vector* OR superspac* OR 
    quasicrysta* OR quasiperiodi* OR decoration* OR icosahedral* OR decagonal*  
    OR dodecagonal* OR pseudo-decagonal* OR approximant OR tiling OR incommensurately modulated 
    OR commensurately modulated OR modulated structure OR modulated crystal OR aperiodic structu* 
    OR incommensurate refinement OR dimensional structure OR satellite reflection* OR
    order satellite$)

#4 not wanted words (use with care!)
cancer* OR 
veterinary* OR
immuno* OR
lymphocytes* OR
protein kinase OR
radiotherap* OR 
tumor* OR 
carcinom* OR 
apoptosis OR 
mitochond* OR
neuron* OR
mice OR
disease OR
therap* OR
voltage OR
cortex OR
hormon* OR
leucocyte* OR
planet* OR
liquid crystal* OR
chemical vapo$r* OR
atmospheric* OR
photon* OR
plasma* OR
ocean* OR
replicat* OR
genom* OR 
brain OR
prion* OR
phyto* OR
phase modulation OR 
amplitude modulation OR 
frequency modulation OR

#5 Wanted journals
Acta Crystallographica Section A* OR
Acta Crystallographica Section B* OR
Acta Crystallographica Section C* OR
American Journal of Physics OR
Applied Physics Letters OR
Communications in Mathematical Physics OR
Chemistry of Materials OR
Computer Physics Communications OR
Current Science OR
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics OR
European Physical Journal B OR
Europhysics Letters OR
Inorganic Chemistry OR
Journal de Physique I,II and III OR
Journal of Applied Crystallography OR
Chemical Reviews OR
Journal of Alloys and Compounds OR
Journal of Applied Physics OR
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials OR
Journal of Materials Chemistry OR
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan OR
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter OR
Journal of Solid State Chemistry OR
Low Temperature Physics OR
Materials Research Bulletin OR
Materials Science and Engineering OR
Mineralogical Magazine OR
Modern Physics Letters B OR
Nature OR
Philosophical Magazine OR
Philosophical Magazine Letters OR
Physica C* OR
Physica scripta OR
Physical Review B OR
Physical Review C OR
Physical Review Letters OR
Physics of the Solid State OR
Superconductor Science and Technology OR
Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie OR
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie OR
Zeitschrift fur Physik B 

#6-17 Not wanted journals

Acoustics* OR 
Analytical* OR 
Annales Geophysicae-Atmospheres* OR 
Annual Review of Astronomy* OR
Applied Catalysis* OR 
Applied optic* OR 
Applied Physics B-Lasers & Optics OR 
Applied Spectroscopy* OR 
Astro* OR 
Astrophys* OR 
Atmos* OR 
Advances in Atmos* OR
Bio* OR 
Bulletin of the American Meteorolo* OR 
Bulletin of Volcanology* OR 
Chaos* OR 
Chinese Journal of Astro* OR 
Climate* OR 
Colloid* OR 
Cosmic* OR 
Deep-Sea* OR 
Earth & Planet* OR 
Electro* OR 
European Journal of Mecha* OR 
Fuel* OR 
Geolog* OR 
Geophys* OR 
Hyperfine Interactions*)

Icarus OR 
IEEE Journal of Quantum* OR 
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum* OR 
IEEE Photonics* OR 
International Journal of Bifurcation* OR 
International Journal of Climatology OR 
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry OR 
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry* OR 
International Journal of Remote Sensing OR 
Journal of Applied Electrochem* OR 
Journal of Applied Polymer* OR 
Journal of Applied Geo* OR
Journal of Applied Meteo* OR 
Journal of atmosph* OR 
Journal of Chromato* OR 
Journal of Climate* OR 
Journal of colloid* OR 
Journal of Electro* OR 
Journal of Fluid* OR 
Journal of Fluo* OR 
Journal of Geo* OR
journal of lumin* OR 
Journal of Macro* OR 
Journal of Marine* OR 
Journal of mathe* OR 
Journal of Metamorph* OR 
Journal of Modern Optics* OR 
Journal of Molecular* OR 
Journal of optic* OR 
Journal of Physical* OR 
Journal of Physics A-Mathema* OR 
Journal of Plasma* OR 
Journal of Polym* OR 
Journal of Porphy* OR 
Journal of the Atmosph* OR 
Journal of the Optic* OR 
Journal of thermal* OR 
Journal of Turbul* OR
Journal of vacuum*)

Laser* OR 
Macromole* OR 
Materials Science & Engineering C* OR 
Mathemati* OR 
Measurement* OR 
Meteo* OR
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astrono* OR 
Monthly Weathe* OR
Nonlinear* OR
Nuclear* OR 
Oceano* OR 
Optic* OR 
Optik  OR 
Physica e* OR 
Physical review a OR 
Physical review c nuclear physics OR 
Physical review d OR 
Physics Letters A OR 
Physics of Fluids OR 
Physics of Partic* OR 
Physics of Plasma* OR 
Plant* OR
Plasma Physics* OR 
Polymer* OR 
Progress in Oceano* OR 
Quant* OR 
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteo* OR 
Radi* OR 
Remote* OR 
Review of Scientific Instr* OR 
Scandinavian Journal of Statis* OR 
Sensors* OR 
Solar* OR 
Solid-State Electr* OR 
Space*  OR 
Structure* OR
Studia Mathematica* OR 
Superconductor Science & Technology* OR 
Technical* OR 
Terra Nova OR 
Thermochimi* OR 
Thin Solid Films OR 
Topics in Catal* OR
Trends in Immun* OR
Veterin* OR
Vibrational Spectroscopy* OR 

Rivista di Neuroradiologia OR
Photogrammetric Engineering* OR
Neuro* OR
Molecular and Cellular* OR
Journal of the Meteorological* OR
Journal of Neuro* OR
Journal of General Physiology OR
Journal of Biological Chemistry OR
Immunology OR
Ieice* OR
Global Change Biology OR
Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents OR
European Journal of Neurosci* OR
Epilepsy* OR
Embo Journal OR
Clinical* OR
Cancer* OR
Boreal Environment Research OR
Brain Res* OR
Ateriosclerosis* OR
Anticancer* OR
American Journal of Physiology* OR
Acta Neuro* OR
Virology OR
Oncology* OR
Journal of Virology OR
Journal of Physiology* OR
Journal of Clinical* OR
Journal od Biomed* OR
International Journal of Biochemistry* OR
International Immuno*

Palaeo* OR
Molecular Cell OR
Molecular Cancer* OR
Molecular Genetics* OR
Microbial Pathogenesis OR
Metabolism* OR
Medical Physics OR
M S-Medecine Sciences OR
Lupus OR
Journals of Geront* OR
Journal of Toxicology* OR
Journal of Lightwave Technology OR
Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics OR
Journal of Food Protection OR
Journal of Ethnopharmacology OR
Journal of Biomed* OR
Israel Medical Association Journal OR
Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs OR
Experimental Astronomy OR
European Journal of Cardio* OR
Ecography OR
Current Biology OR
Copeia OR
Circulation Research OR
Canadian Journal of Neuro* OR
British Journal of Ophthal* OR
British Journal of Haematology OR
Archives of Otolaryngo* OR 
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics OR
Philosophical Transactions* OR
Philosophical Magazine OR
Nucleic Acids* OR
New Astronomy OR
Naturwissenschaften OR
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials OR
Micro OR
Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology OR
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry OR
Life Sciences OR
Journal of the Electochemical Society OR
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry OR
Journal of Ecology OR
Journal of Biomecha* OR
Ieee* OR
Fusion Science and Technology OR
Behavioural Brain Research OR
Arterioscl* OR
Annals of Geophysics OR
Analytica Chimica Acta OR
American Journal of Gastroenterology

Advanced Robotics OR
Solid state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance OR
Scandinavian Journal od Infectious* OR
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology OR
Russian Journal of Electrochemistry OR
Restorative Neurolo* OR
Advances in Space Research OR
Planetary and Space Science OR
Pigment* OR
Archives of Otolaryng* OR
Physics of Atomic Nuclei OR
Photosynthetica OR
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry OR
Carbo* OR 
Catal* OR
Naunyn* OR
Muscle* OR
Metaboli* OR
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine OR
Journal of Volcanology* OR
Journal of Trauma* OR
Journal of the Society for Gynecologic* OR
Journal of the Geological Society of India OR
Journal of Structural Biology OR
Journal of Parasitology OR
Journal of Investigative Dermatology OR
Journal of Hepatology OR
Journal of Experimental Zoology* OR
Journal of Dairy Science OR
Journal of Comparative Neurology OR
Journal of Cellular* OR
Journal of Applied Physiology OR
Hearing* OR
Interfaces and Free Boundaries OR
Experimental Physiology OR
European Radiology OR
European Polymer* OR
Epilepsia OR
Current Medicinal Chemistry OR
Conservation Biology OR
Cognitive* Or
Cardio* OR
Chembiochem OR
Journal of the Electrochemical* OR
Key Engineering Materials OR
Physics in Medicine* OR
Molecular Brain* OR
Fundamenta Informaticae OR
Calcified* OR
Bulletin of the Seismo*

Physiolog* OR
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth OR
Archives of Bioch* OR
American Journal of Psychiatry OR
Lecture Notes in Computer* OR
Wilson Bulletin OR
Talanta OR
Spinal Cord OR
Spectrochim* OR
Pharm* OR
Nature Genetics OR
Molecular Microbiology OR
Molecular Biology* OR
Journal od Psycho* OR
Journal of Oceanography OR
Journal of Microbiol* OR
Journal of Experimental Botany OR
International Journal of Food Properties OR
Free radical Biology* OR
European Journal of Pharmacology OR
Development OR
European Journal of Endocrinology OR
European Journal of Pharma* OR
Comparative Bio* OR
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing OR
British Journal of Pharma* OR
British Journal of Anaesthesia OR
Applied Physics B-Lasers* OR
Annales Geophys* OR
Acta Dermat* OR
Acta Astronautica OR
Zoolo* OR
World Poultry* OR
Ultrasonics* OR
Trends in Plant* OR
Trends in Bio* OR
Transplantation* OR
Vacuum OR
Microelectronics Reliability OR
Journal of Veterinary* OR
Journal of the Marine* OR
Journal of Experimental Bio* OR
General and Comparative Endocrinology OR
Free Radical* OR
Combustion* OR
Toxicol* OR
Tissue Engineering OR
Shock* OR
Rofo* OR
Lecture Notes in Control*

Publications of the Astronomic* OR
Molecular Simulation OR
Journal of High Energy Physics OR
Chemistry of Natur* OR
Chemistry & Biology OR
Automat* OR
Advanced Drug* OR
Theoretical and Applied Climatology OR
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology OR
Mutat* OR
Molecular Pharma* OR
Maturitas* OR
Lipid* OR
Journal of Biotechnology OR
Journal of Archaeol* OR
Insight OR
Experimental Brain* OR
Environ* OR
Denelopmental Biology OR
Coral* OR
Oncogene* OR
Medic* OR
Journal of Immuno* OR
Developmental and Comparative Immunology OR
Cryobiology* OR
Archives of Virology OR
Bulletin of Experimental Biol* OR
Genomics OR
Glia OR
Hydrolog* OR
Computers & * OR
Iee Proceedings-Optoele* OR
Compositio Mathematica OR
Transition Metal Chemistry OR
Tetrahedron OR
Semiconductors OR
Langmuir OR
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems OR
Chimia OR
Science in China Series G* OR
Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry OR
Journal of Combinatorial Theory* OR
Inventiones Mathematicae OR
Protein Science OR
New Astronomy* OR
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology OR
Nature Neuroscience OR
Marine Biology OR
Liquid Crystals

Leukemia OR
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology OR
Journal of the Acoustical* OR
Journal of Physics G* OR
Journal of Physics B* OR
Journal of Membrane Biology OR
Journal of Insect Behavior OR
Journal of Heat Transfer* OR
Journal of Cardio* OR
Journal of Bacterio* OR
Inflammation* OR
Infection* OR
Iete Technical Review OR
Gut OR
Geomagn* OR
Geochemistry* OR
Geo-Marine* OR
European Journal of Combinatorics OR
European Journal of Cell Biology OR
European Journal of Biochemistry OR
Endocrin* OR
Chronobiology* OR
Ameghiniana OR
Starch-Starke OR
Journal of Nonlinear Optical* OR
Aiaa Journal OR
New Journal of Chemistry OR
Waves in Random Media OR
Experimental Mathematics OR
Communications in Theoretical Physics OR
Statistical Science OR
Proceedings of the American Mathe* OR
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United* OR
Journal of Cell Science OR
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chem* OR
Russian journal of Nondestru* OR
Surface* OR
Robotica OR
Protein* OR
Progress in Natural Science OR
Nucleosides* OR
Microgravity* OR
Marine* OR
Linear Algebra*

Journal of Separation Science OR
Journal of Pharma* OR
Journal of Peptid* OR
Journal of Parallel* OR
Journal of Organomet* OR
Journal of Magnetic Resonance OR
Journal of Human* OR
Journal of Cultural Heritage OR
Inzynieri* OR
Geochimic* OR
Fems Microbiology Letters OR
Febs Letters OR
Experimental Gerontology OR
Developmental Biology OR
Chemical Research in Toxicology OR
Brain* OR
Atla* OR
Archiv der Mathematik OR
American Journal of Tropical Medicine* OR
Wound Repair* OR
International Journal of Pharm* OR
Fungal* OR
Gondwana* OR
Cytom* OR
Color Research and Application OR
International Journal of Communication Systems OR
Revista* OR
International Journal of Modern Physics A OR
European Physical Journal D OR
Chirality OR
Physics Letters B OR
Physica D* OR
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation OR
Applied Mathematics* OR
Current Opinion* OR
Acta Astronomica OR
Acta Physiologiae* OR
Progress in Chemistry OR
Physical Review E OR
Physica A* OR
Kunststoffe* OR
Journal of Vascular Research OR
Journal of Plant* OR
Journal of Hydro* OR
Journal of General Virology

Journal of Comparative Physiology* OR
Izvestiya Atmospheric* OR
Jbis* OR
International Journal of Wildland Fire OR
Indian Journal of Marine* OR
Heart* OR
Global and Planetary Change OR
Genome* OR
Folia* OR
Esa Bulletin* OR
Classical and Quantum Gravity OR
Cell* OR
Celestial* OR
Annals of Glaciology OR
Physical Chemistry chemical Physics OR
Journal of Lipid Research OR
Journal of Glaciology OR
Journal of Endo* OR
International Journal of Engineering Education OR
Iee Proceedings* OR
Iau Symposia OR
Geometriae Dedicata OR
Genes to Cells OR
Cytogenet* OR
Pesticide* OR
Molecular Membrane Biology OR
Journal of the Korean Physical Society OR
Embo Reports OR
Chinese Physics OR
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology OR
Russian Chemistry Bulletin OR
Glycobiology OR
Freshwater Biology OR
Journal of Chemical Sciences OR
Engineering Geology OR
Chemphyschem OR
Acta Metallurgica Sinica OR
Journal of agricult* OR
Chinese Physics Letters OR
Methods in Enzymology OR
Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance* OR
Nihon Reoroji* OR
Mechanisms of ageing and development OR
Journal of Inorganic biochemistry OR
Journal of Ceramic Processing Research OR
Journal of Power sources OR
International journal for numerical methods in engineering

Earthquake* OR
Current Topics* OR
Chemical Research in Chinese Universities OR
Precision Engineering* OR
Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design OR
Journal of Biochemistry OR
Inorganica Chimica Acta OR
Engineering failure Analysis OR
Comptes Rendus Mecanique OR
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry OR
Psychiatr* OR
Journal of the American College of cardiology OR
journal of Systems and Software OR
Journal od Nonlinear Science OR
Emu OR
Cement* OR
Behav* OR
Phyto* OR
Mrs bulletin OR
Water* OR
Gems* OR
Fluctuation and noise letters OR
Experimental and molecular pathology OR
Zeitschrift fur metallkunde* OR

#6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17

#19 Final search
((#1 OR #3) AND #5) OR ((#2 OR #3) NOT (#5 OR #18 OR #4))

Final search explained:

#1 = general words AND crystallographic words
#2 = general words SAME crystallographic words
#3 = very promising words
#4 = not wanted words
#x = wanted journals (currently #5)
#y =not wanted jourals (currently #18)

#A = (#1 OR #3) AND #x    search in wanted journals
#B = (#2 OR #3) NOT (#x OR #y OR #4) search in other journals
#C = (#A OR #B) Final search


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