The Third Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006
Date: 8-9 March 2010
Institute of Physics, Cukrovarnicka 10, Praha 6, Czech Republic
Library Lecture Room at the building A, 2nd floor.
Institute of Physics, Cukrovarnicka 10, Praha 6, Czech Republic
Library Lecture Room at the building A, 2nd floor.
ECA special interest group SIG#3 .
ECA special interest group SIG#3 .
The program is composed of four halfdays. Each halfday
starts with a lecture and continues with practical
exercises. For practical exercises the users will be provided
with a printed cookbook and with a flash disk containing the
cookbook, installation files and necessary data.
Lecturers for this workshop: Vaclav Petricek, Michal Dusek
and Lukas Palatinus.
First halfday, 9h:
(INT2) Introduction to modulated structures, solution of simple 4d structures -
Second halfday:
(CHF) Application of charge flipping to 3d and modulated structures -
First halfday, 9h:
(TW) Twins and multiphases of 3d and modulated structures -
Second halfday:
(COMM) Commensurate structures
Each participant should bring a laptop with operating
system Windows2000/XP/Vista. Installation of all necessary
software will be done at the beginning of the workshop.
Wireless internet connection including Eduroam is available
at the lecture room. Limited number of computers can be
provided to people without laptop (please inform us before
the workshop that it would be needed)
At the canteen of the Institute, for 57 CZK
Workshop cookbook
Workshop cookbook cumulates examples from all Jana workshops. The latest
version together with example files and installations files is available
in jana page:
cookbook.zip (> 100MB).
Limited numer of rooms is available for negotiated price at
the three-star "Hotel u Sladku". This hotel has an
excellent public-transport connection to the airport, to
the main railway station, to the Prague city centre and to
the Institute of Physics; free wireless connection at rooms
and no cancellation fee. The prices negotiated for this
workshop are 20 Euro for single bedroom, 25 Euro for double
bedroom and 33 Euro for triple bedroom (with single
occupation). For booking please use the online form at the
hotel web page: www.hotelusladku.cz and
type the code JANA2006 in the textbox at the bottom of the
reservation form
Transportation from the Prague airport "Letiste Ruzyne"
Institute of Physics has two buildings 15 km apart!
Make sure you are travelling to proper building at Cukrovarnicka street 10, Prague 6.
By taxi: AAA taxi - the yellow cars located in front of terminals -
costs approximately 400 CZK (15 Euro) to "Hotel u Sladku" as well as to the Institute.
By public transport: Take bus 179. For the institute change at the station "Vetrnik" to the tram 1,2, or 18. For "Hotel U Sladku" change at the station "Vypich" to the tram 22 or 15.
Bus 179 at the airport
Bus, tram and metro timetables
Tickets for public transport
Airport - hotel - institute
Around the Institute
By public transport: Take bus 179. For the institute change at the station "Vetrnik" to the tram 1,2, or 18. For "Hotel U Sladku" change at the station "Vypich" to the tram 22 or 15.
Bus 179 at the airport
Bus, tram and metro timetables
Tickets for public transport
Airport - hotel - institute
Around the Institute
Photo gallery

Institute of Physics, official photo

Institute of Physics, Winter 2010. The three windows just above the arc of the main entrance belong to the Library lecture room.

Institute of Physics, Winter 2010

Cukrovarnicka street, Winter 2010

Workshop photo 8 March 2010
1. Jan Cempirek, Moravian Museum, Brno
2. Rune E. Johnsen, University of Oslo
3. Jakub Plasil, National Museum Prague
4. Frantisek Laufek, Czech Geological Survey Prague
5. Mukeshkumar Jotani, Bhavan's Sheth R. A. College of Science, Ahmedabad
6. Wilfried Hermes, University of Lund
7. Jan Fabry, Institute of Physics, Prague
8. Oliver Osters, University of Munster
9. Jiri Hybler, Institute of Physics, Prague
10. Hannes Kruger, University of Innsbruck
11. Biljana Lazic, University of Bern
12. Dmitry Batuk, University of Antverp
2. Rune E. Johnsen, University of Oslo
3. Jakub Plasil, National Museum Prague
4. Frantisek Laufek, Czech Geological Survey Prague
5. Mukeshkumar Jotani, Bhavan's Sheth R. A. College of Science, Ahmedabad
6. Wilfried Hermes, University of Lund
7. Jan Fabry, Institute of Physics, Prague
8. Oliver Osters, University of Munster
9. Jiri Hybler, Institute of Physics, Prague
10. Hannes Kruger, University of Innsbruck
11. Biljana Lazic, University of Bern
12. Dmitry Batuk, University of Antverp
Registration to this workshop is closed.